Michelle (6) and Benson (3) Carpenter show off their Valentine’s Day card crafts that...
The Morinville Jets ended their regular season on Sunday, Feb. 11 with an 8-3...
Construction on the Highway 2 bridge at Morinville were underway on Friday, Feb. 2....
by Stephen DafoeMorinville Community High School (MCHS) will gather with students throughout the region...
by Stephen DafoeThe Morinville Jr. B Jets took their seventh and eighth consecutive wins...
Morinville Fire Department members were out on the ice at the Morinville Fish and...
The Morinville Curling Club held its annual Men’s bonspiel over the weekend, assembling 16...
by Colin Smith An omnibus amendment to give Morinville’s Land Use Bylaw its first...
by Stephen Dafoe With a few games left in the Capital Junior Hockey League...
In December the Sturgeon Composite High School Stingers were celebrated for their triumph in...