Veteran Nick Betts set to release debut fantasy novel 

by Stephen Dafoe 

Gibbons resident and Canadian Armed Forces veteran Nick Betts will debut his fantasy novel, The Waking of Storm and Flame, on Oct. 16, 2024. The story, the first in a planned five-part The Fates of Aten series, explores themes of acceptance, self-forgiveness, and perseverance. 

Betts, 34, was raised in Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia and has loved the fantasy genre for as long as he can remember. He believes many are attracted to fantasy—through reading, writing, video or role-playing games—for the same reason he is: an escape from the hamster wheel of life. 

“There’s something liberating and freeing about fantasy. It always reminds me of Ready Player One’s Oasis, where an individual can enter a surreal second world but then return to the real one with a close of a cover.” 

Betts always dreamed of writing, though it once felt out of reach without a plan. It was his cat’s diagnosis of chronic kidney disease and its imminent demise that prompted him to begin to write. 

“I started writing fantasy a year later as an escape to deal with the trauma of his eventual loss,” Betts recalled, noting he would take his laptop wherever he went, writing next to his beloved cat. “One and a half months into my writing journey, I had to say goodbye to Ace, who had given me so many beautiful memories.”  

Ace’s passing was followed by a year-and-a-half period of writer’s block for Betts. During that time, he created The Insidious Agenda, a podcast covering true crime, paranormal, and other topics. In May of 2023, after more than 45 episodes, Betts knew it was time to return to the keyboard and finish his story. He hasn’t looked back, but now his debut novel is complete. 

Protagonist follows author’s experiences 

In The Waking of Storm and Flame, Princess Alira Verbrandt discovers on the eve of battle that she descends from a bloodline that once rebelled against the Archon of Shadows. This discovery reignites an ancient war, forcing her to rebuild alliances and face a looming prophecy as she defends her kingdom from the Illyrian Empire. 

Betts said he wrote Alira Verbrandt’s experiences to be similar to his own military experiences. “I was never the best soldier or sailor. I did my job extremely well but never truly made it a part of my identity,” Betts explained. “I was reluctant to do a lot of military things, which you’ll see in Alira’s character. She wants to participate and be a part of the team, but she knows it isn’t somewhere she belongs—at least not forever. What I wanted to convey through her character is that, even if you feel like you don’t fit, there’s a place for everyone—and we can learn to contribute in different ways.” 

Betts contrasts Alira’s reluctance with her sister Zahra’s role as a career soldier and their brother Cael’s position as a commander, showing different forms of contribution within their roles.  

“The key takeaway from my characters is it’s okay to feel as though you don’t belong—everyone will find a way to work together,” Betts said.  

Inspired by strong female protagonists 

The author draws inspiration from strong female characters like Jill Valentine from Resident Evil and Aloy from Horizon, noting their fearlessness and self-discovery. He hopes readers of all backgrounds will connect with Alira and Zahra and the theme that one’s past does not define them. 

“Whether you’re a warrior or a scholar, or something else in between, the only decision you can make is to accept who you are or change it,” Betts said. “It also explores the realization that you can’t change others, no matter how hard you might try. It’s an honest look at a person’s actions and self-discovery.” 

Betts believes fantasy is ideal for exploring themes because it offers a blank canvas for any dynamics an author wishes to examine. The genre also allows for settings that complement these themes. 

“It can be as grounded as The Lord of the Rings or as distinct as Avatar,” Betts said, emphasizing the importance of making The Waking of Storm and Flame’s world Idel as earth-like as possible. 

“I prefer my fantasy to be a bit more grounded; however, that won’t stop the fantastical elements from seeping in,” he said. “As we see the story through Alira’s eyes, who has lived a sheltered existence in her first 25 years of life, it will begin to incorporate more fantasy elements as she ventures into the wider world. I believe it’s a look at every human life, where things seem so simple until we come of age and venture into the wider world. Our eyes open, and this pale blue dot offers both majesty and wonder but also the realization that there are dark places in the world—both existing in harmony.” 

A book launch will occur at Cosmic Radiance Gaming (4724) 50 Avenue Gibbons on Saturday, Oct. 19, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., where signed paperback and hardcover copies will be available for purchase and signing.  

For more information on The Waking of Storm and Flame, visit Betts’ website at The book is available for preorder on